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Android mobile phone stuff

On this page you will a collection of short notes regarding android phones.

All comments, suggestions etc. are welcome. Please contact me at

THL 5000
Oukitel U11 Plus
Doogee DG310 Voyager2
Useful apps

Oukitel U11 Plus

Volume up -> menu how to boot
select Fastboot (go there with volume_up, select with volume_down

fastboot oem unlock
phone: question to unlock bootloader?
press volume up
then the fastboot oem unlock runs and unlocks the bootloader

fastboot oem unlock
< waiting for device >
(bootloader) Start unlock flow

OKAY [ 42.465s]
finished. total time: 42.465s

phone does not react
power switch 10 seconds
Orange state
Your device has been unlocked and cant't be trusted
Your device will boot in 5 seconds

phone switches off

switch on again, press volume_up for boot menu
select fastboot

# fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
< waiting for device >
target reported max download size of 134217728 bytes
sending 'recovery' (13534 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.668s]
writing 'recovery'...
OKAY [ 0.333s]
finished. total time: 1.001s

phone does not react
power switch 10 seconds

press volume_up to get to TWRP

see this video how to change the TWRP language if you don't understand Russian and downloaded a default Russian version No is a good time to insert a micro SD card and backup all partitions in TWRP, especially the nvram

Phone is always rebooting into TWRP Recovery, no matter what reboot option you choose. therefore we try to lock the bootloader again

reboot to bootloader, at the same time run
fastboot oem lock
question on the phone
lock bootloader?
confirm with volume_up
fastboot oem lock
< waiting for device >
(bootloader) Start lock flow

OKAY [ 7.943s]
finished. total time: 7.943s

10 seconds power button to switch off
reboot system
no warning State Orange

Dalvik / ART Cache

flash supersu from SD card

Where to find the OTA update file in Android 7? here it was downloaded to /data/data/com.adups.fota/files/adupsfota/

How to uninstall superSU?


K9 mail stops syncing after some time, as caldav seems to do. It seems to help to deactivate battery optimisation go to Settings - Battery - menu: battery optimization select 'All apps' tap on K-9 Mail, select 'Don't optimize' confirm now syncing should work all the time

THL 5000


Rooting works with baidu root, version 2.4.6 (at the moment available only in Chinese). I tried framaroot and towelroot, none of them worked.
The root is permanent and stays after a reboot.
After rooting install SuperSU instead of the Chinese root Permission program. Then you can remove all the Chinese programs (one of them displays Chinese ads in the status bar).

installing custom recovery and ROM

Connect the phone to your computer and install adb and fastboot
apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot

Test the connection by running adb shell, you should get a shell on your phone.

The first problem is that several tools for installing a recovery recognize the recovery as TWRP, but cannot update it or install the correct recovery.

# fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
sending 'recovery' (9542 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.337s]
writing 'recovery'...
FAILED (remote:
partition 'recovery' not support flash)
finished. total time: 0.346s

The only solution that worked for me was installing the recovery.img by hand on the phone itself. But a recent custom recovery is needed to install the custom ROM, wipe the dalvik cache and other things.

# fastboot update
archive does not contain 'android-info.txt'
archive does not contain 'android-product.txt'
error: update package has no android-info.txt or android-product.txt

reboot to bootloader adb reboot bootloader

when the phone has booted into fastboot unlock the bootloader (I don't know if this is really necessary, please give feedback)
fastboot oem unlock
and follow the instructions on the screen (so obviously it was locked before and unlocking was successful)

connect to the phone
adb shell

become root

Download the TWRP archive from the linked page on .... and extract the recovery.img).
Next get the recovery.img for TWRP to the phone.

On one of the pages I found on the net they use
adb push recovery.img /destination-folder/
but for me this did not work, because when becoming root with su I could not read the contents of the folders where I could push the file to.

So the quick and easy way for me was to download the recovery.img from a server after becoming root
wget http://my.server/recovery.img
This way I had the file in a directory that I could access.

Then write the recovery.img directly to the necessary device (you are root, you can write anywhere, but you should know what you are doing!)
dd if=recovery.img of=/dev/recovery
If that is successful you just made it. Now you have installed TWRP.

reboot recovery

If everything worked you should get into the TWRP recovery you just installed.

Now you can flash the ROM that you have copied to your SD-card, wipe all necessary memories/caches and enjoy your new ROM.


Doogee DG310 Voyager2

Rooting works with baidu root, version 2.4.6 (at the moment available only in Chinese). I tried framaroot, towelroot, rootgenius and others, none of them worked.
The root is permanent and stays after a reboot.
After rooting install SuperSU instead of the Chinese root Permission program. Then you can remove all the Chinese programs (one of them displays Chinese ads in the status bar).

Build-Number 2014/08/06 17:33
Some remarks regarding flashing a new firmware To get to the recovery menu: Press Volume after turning the phone on, this will directly take you to the recovery menu. Find a nice ROM on, I downloaded the latest official. fastboot flash boot boot.img sending 'boot' (4254 KB)... OKAY [ 0.174s] writing 'boot'... OKAY [ 0.483s] finished. total time: 0.657s fastboot flash recovery recovery.img sending 'recovery' (4926 KB)... OKAY [ 0.198s] writing 'recovery'... FAILED (remote: partition 'recovery' not support flash) finished. total time: 0.203s

After a permanently crashing google play store I did a factory reset.
The result was a boot loop. So I decided to flash something more modern than android 5 and downloaded resurrection remix OS (7.1.2) from
I flashed a recent TWRP recovery and the boot.img coming in the zip-file. Unfortunately there was no system.img.
Therefore I decided to format the system/ partition and copy the files by hand.
Boot your phone into recovery and format the system partition.
Connect your phone to the PC.
On your PC change into the $DIRECTORY/system where you downloaded the zip-file.

chmod 755 bin/* xbin/*
to set the executable-bit for files that should be executable

for i in `find . -type d`; do adb shell mkdir /system/$i; done
to create all directories in /system/ on your phone

for i in `find . -type d`; do adb push -a $i/* /system/$i; done
to copy all the files to your phone

Useful apps

A list of apps for various purposes (I tested many more...):

Definitely recommended, wouldn't want to do without:

Advanced Task Killer [link]
AndIodine [link]
Android Terminal [link]
Apk Manager Plus [link]
App Backup & Restore AppMgr III (App 2 SD) [link]
Autostart Disabler Free [link]
Barcode Scanner [link]
Birthdays for Android [link]
Bluetooth on Call [link] Hotel Reservations [link]
Boot Animations root [link]
Business Calendar (well worth the money!) [link]
free version: [link]
BusyBox [link]
CalDAV-Sync [link]
CardDAV-Sync [link]
ClockSync [link]
ConnectBot [link]
Contact Picture Sync [link]
CSipSimple (open source / GPL) [link]
Data Enabler Widget [link]
File Explorer [link]
File Explorer (Root) Firefox Browser [link]
GPS Status & Toolbox [link]
GPS Test [link] [link]
ICS Importer [link]
JB Workaround [link]
K-9 Mail [link]
Llama - Location Profiles Lookout Antivirus & Security [link]
Lufthansa App [link]
mVideoPlayer [link]
Note Everything [link]
OpenVPN Installer [link]
Öffi / Offi - Public Transport [link]
OfficeSuite [link]
Online Nandroid [link]
Out of Milk Shopping List [link]
OwnCloud [link]
OwnCloud Client [link]
RecForge Lite ROM Manager [link]
Root Checker [link]
SMS Backup & Restore [link]
SuperSU [link]
System app remover (ROOT) [link]
Tasks [link]
TUN.ko Installer [link]
Usage Timeline [link]
VLC for Android [link]
Xabber [link]
waze [link]

Very useful if you need something for this purpose:

Antivirus Security [link]
AnTuTu Benchmark [link]
APG (gnugpg implementation for Android) [link]
Automatic Call Recorder [link]
CifsManager [link]
Easy SMS [link]
LEO dictionary [link]
MapsOn Free: Offline Map [link]
Mumble for Android [link]
NFC Business Card [link]
NFC Tools [link]
RedPhone :: Private Calls (encrypted calls over data connection, free and open source) [link]
SDFix: KitKat Writable MicroSD [link]
Sysctl Config [link]
TWRP Manager [link]
USB Debug [link]
WOL Wake on LAN [link]
Zoiper IAX SIP VOIP Softpohone [link]

Instant Messaging (alternatives for whatsapp)

Xabber [link]
TextSecure (point-to-point encryption!) [link]
for iOS in the near future: [link]
yaxim - XMPP/Jabber client [link]
Threema [link]
Skype [link]
Zello [link]
HeyTell [link]
Viber [link]
Voxer [link]
TiKL [link]

Useful in Austria:

Cineplexx [link]
ErsteBank/Sparkasse netbanking [link]
Herold mobile [link]
ÖBB Scotty [link]
Spritpreisrechner [link]
Travel & Surf [link]

Useful in Germany:

DB Navigator [link]

Written 2014-09-07 - last update

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© by wf
webslave (at)
Wolfgang Fuschlberger, Salzburg