
Change color to default
Change color to red
Change color to blue
Change color to green
Change color to yellow
Change color to cyan
Change color to magenta
Change color to orange
Change color to b/w

Linux on Dialogue Flybook Howto -

Change color to default
Change color to red
Change color to dark red
Change color to blue
Change color to dark blue
Change color to green
Change color to dark green
Change color to yellow
Change color to dark yellow
Change color to cyan
Change color to dark cyan
Change color to magenta
Change color to dark magenta
Change color to magenta
Change color to dark orange
Change color to grey
Change color to b/w



Change color to defaultChange color to redChange color to blueChange color to greenChange color to yellowChange color to cyanChange color to magentaChange color to orangeChange color to b/w

© by wf
webslave (at)
Wolfgang Fuschlberger, Salzburg